The Matrix editor window

When you open a matrix, it is displayed in a Matrix editor window (Opening matrices).

(1) Title bar

The title bar shows the numbers and names of Visum matrices by default. When you open several matrices, the number of matrices opened is displayed in the title bar. It further shows the file name of external matrices. You can change the number and the name of a matrix (Showing and editing matrix attribute values)(Editing window titles of matrices).

(2) Menu bar

As soon as a Matrix editor window becomes active, an additional Matrix editor menu is shown. This menu item provides matrix-specific functions.

(3) Matrix values

Here the matrix values of one or several matrices opened are displayed. The values in the matrix diagonals are highlighted in yellow. The shortcut menu offers various editing options. You can change the matrix display using various options (Filtering and aggregating matrix data, changing the view and Basic settings for matrices). Alternatively, you can show and edit the matrices in lists (Opening matrices in the List view).

(4) Toolbars of the Matrix editor window

The toolbars allow you to call specific program functions.




Select matrices

Manage the matrices opened in the Matrix editor window

View options

Edit display properties of the Matrix editor window

Matrix view / List view

Switches between the Matrix view and the List view

Filter the matrix data view

Hide or show certain columns or rows according to filter criteria

Find matrix cell

Find the matrix cell in the opened matrix

Recalculate dynamically aggregated view

Recalculate data in aggregated view if classification was made according to indirect (main) zone attribute and matrix values were subsequently changed

Read matrix contents from file

Import data from another matrix into the matrix shown in the Matrix editor window

Save to file

Save Visum matrix opened in the Matrix editor window as a file or save the external matrix opened under a different name

Export current view to the clipboard

Copy matrix values to the clipboard

Export current view to database Save matrix values in a database

No synchronization with other windows

The Matrix editor window is not synchronized with other windows.

Synchronization with other windows: Highlight

OD pairs or main OD pairs marked in the matrix editor window are also marked in other windows and vice versa. The synchronization also works between multiple matrix editor windows.


Set all matrix values to 0




Set value(s)

Overwrite matrix with a constant or another value of different matrix


To the matrix values add a constant or other value of another matrix


From the matrix values subtract a constant or other value of another matrix


Multiply the matrix values by a constant or other value of another matrix


Divide the matrix values by a constant or other value of another matrix

Form the minimum

Replace matrix values by the minimum of the respective matrix value and a constant or value with the same OD pair, but of another matrix

Form the maximum

Replace matrix values by the maximum of the respective matrix value and a constant or value with the same OD pair, but of another matrix

Raise to power

Raise matrix values (by element) to the power of a constant or other value of another matrix


Round matrix values to a specified precision

Exponential function

Replace matrix values (by element) by a matrix exponential function

Apply natural logarithm

Replace matrix values (by element) by their natural logarithm

Form reciprocal

Replace matrix values (by element) by their reciprocal value


Transpose the matrix values from columns into rows and vice versa

Set diagonal

Set diagonal matrix values to a constant value

Reflect lower triangle

Copy matrix values below the diagonal to the respective OD pairs in the upper triangle

Reflect upper triangle

Copy matrix values above the diagonal to the respective OD pairs in the bottom triangle

Make symmetrical

Replace matrix values by the mean value formed by pairs of the two laterally reversed matrix values

Combination of matrices and vectors

Linkage of matrices and vectors by arithmetic operations

Set values conditionally

Replace matrix values which satisfy a certain condition by a particular value.


Group, renumber or delete rows and/or columns of a matrix


Subdivide rows and/or columns of a matrix into several rows and/or columns


Use a factor to project matrix values per row, column or both to a new target value

Projection by territory

Use different factors depending on territory or territory relation to project matrix values

(5) Window selection

Use the list box to switch between the opened windows.

(6) Tab bar

Using tabs, you can switch between all opened matrices.


Note: In the directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023/Examples, you can find an example of use on this topic. The Matrix Editor example shows the various possibilities of editing and analyzing matrices with the integrated matrix editor.